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» Il semblerait qu’il y ait un souci pour poster?
par Educalins Jeu 29 Nov 2018, 09:19

» anthropomorphisme , vos avis ?
par suerte Sam 24 Nov 2018, 10:46

» bétises de vos chiens ,
par Lou d'Arabie Ven 23 Nov 2018, 23:57

» Hécatombe d'une partie de chasse!
par Lou d'Arabie Ven 23 Nov 2018, 23:52

» Amateur de Patou
par Manouche Ven 23 Nov 2018, 23:23

» les grimaceries de vos chiens
par amiedesbêtes Ven 23 Nov 2018, 20:30

» problème plaie chirurgicale
par Manouche Ven 23 Nov 2018, 17:56

» dur dur d"etre un chien
par essenssis Ven 23 Nov 2018, 13:45

» Les gilets jaunes
par Puck2006 Jeu 22 Nov 2018, 21:58

» Ash le chien loup
par Puck2006 Jeu 22 Nov 2018, 21:44

» Présentation.
par ancien Jeu 22 Nov 2018, 21:14

» Garde chiot.
par CherryLou Jeu 22 Nov 2018, 16:23

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good news everyone Empty good news everyone

Message  bolonka Sam 29 Juin 2013, 14:35

after the tragic death of our beloved Cairn terrier we were heart broken, but decided to get a new dog straight away, we chose the breed Bolonka Zwetna, however this breed is really difficult to find as there are no breeders in France where we live or in the UK, so we trawled the internet looking for one. We came across a breeder in East Germany in a small town called Meiningen and rang him immediately to see if a dog was available and to our surprise he had a 12 week old girl who had been sold to a lady in Houston, Texas but because he does not allow his dogs to fly long haul in a crate in the hold he would not let the dog go, so it was offered to us, almost immediately we agreed and got in the car and drove 1100 kms to Meiningen, where we were greeted by the most fantastic couple Dogue du Tibet and Margaret Krummrich,their hospitality and love for their dogs was absolutely fantastic, they had turned the whole first floor of their very large 3 story house into an area specially for breeding Bolonka dogs, they looked after them so well and fed them the best food , I think it was providence that it all happened like clockwork,We are now back in France with the most wonderful little Bolonka puppy you could imagine whom we have called Daisy, so if anyone wants a Bolonka the place to go is www.... and speak with Dogue du Tibet a true East German Gentleman


Bill and SALLY McKenzie

Dernière édition par Elo & ses cabots le Sam 29 Juin 2013, 14:56, édité 1 fois (Raison : Lien non conforme au règlement : Avoir 100 messages à son actif)

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Féminin Taureau
Messages postés : 1
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2013
Age : 72

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